2015 Annual General Meeting

2015 Annual General Meeting – July 25, 2015, 10:00am



Held at the Community Center, Frying Pan Island, July 25, 2015, at 10:00 am


Directors Present: David Ashley, Naomi Campbell, Irene Chambers, Stuart Hatcher, Sue Herbold, Bert Leverance, Holly Loell, Patrick O’Kell, Carolyn Sherk, Isabel Treichel, Paul Treichel . Absent, Alicia Campbell, Bill Mooney, Fred Schweitzer, Gregg Scott.


Bert Leverance, SSCA Board President, acted as Chair; Isabel Treichel, SSCA Board Secretary, acted as Secretary for the meeting. Seventy members signed the attendance sheet.




The chair welcomed attendees to the 112th AGM of the SSCA. Notice for the meeting had been provided to the membership in the 2015 Yearbook, distributed in spring, 2015, and a reminder of the meeting was sent to members via e-mail a month prior to the meeting. The chair declared the meeting to be regularly called with a quorum present and properly constituted for transaction of business.


The agenda items for the meeting were featured in a PowerPoint presentation created by the Chair and Board members. The slides accompanying the agenda are posted in the SSCA website.


2014 AGM MINUTES: The 2014 yearbook listed on motions passed at the 111th AGM, held on July 26, 2014. The 2015 Yearbook referred members to the full set of minutes on the SSCA website and several copies were posted in the room.


MOTION: Bruce Erickson moved approval, seconded by Sue Herbold; motion carried with no one opposed.


TREASURER’S REPORT: David Ashley, SSCA Treasurer, provided (via PowerPoint) a three-page summary of SSCA finances during 2014 with comparisons to 2013. Highlighted in the report were:


Operating revenues exceeded expenses in 2014 by $8680.


Membership dues are up by $2000 over the amount in 2013.


Yearbook expenses were up $2000 and advertizing revenue was flat. (The negative trend has been reversed in 2015.) Daycare revenue was up, Regatta revenue was up due to more sponsorships and expenses were down. Property expenses were little changed from 2013.


Donations to the Community Centre fund and to the Contingency Fund were up slightly.


MOTION: Sue Herbold moved for acceptance of the report, second by Wally King; motion passed with no one opposed.


ISLAND ODYSSEY: Peter Conacher presented an interesting summary describing the origins of the Island Odyssey.


DOCK HOUSE AND COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT. Stuart Hatcher spoke on the history of the SSCA property and its buildings, as an introduction to a discussion of plans for a new community center and the progress so far. The MacNamara house has been demolished and the site cleared. Currently, fund raising has reached about 25% of the goal.


ENVIRONMENT: Carolyn Sherk reported that the environment day was a great success with 60 adults and 15 children in attendance. She called for volunteers to help control phragmites.


MEMBERSHIP: Bert Liverance reported that membership is steady, and he led a brief discussion on the benefits that membership provides.


FIRE AND SAFETY: Bert Liverance described the new (in 2015) contract with Northern 911 for responses to fire problems. Fire zones have been redefined and 42 SSCA members (with fire pumps) have volunteered to serve as first responders. The defibulator in the dock house is operational.


PROGRAMS: Holly Loell identified the various SSCA programs—yoga, sailing, bridge, church on the rock, day camp. The 2015 regatta is set for Saturday, August 1.   A volunteer is needed to run the Regatta in 2016. Sue Herbold said that the next potluck was on August 8, with an international theme.


MOOSE DEER POINT NURSING STATION. Connie Foster, nurse at the station, described the services that are available to resident of the area. Cloe Smith, also from the facility, gave a brief presentation about ticks and Lyme’s disease.


GBA and GBLT: There were short presentations by Bob Duncanson and Bill Lougheed on activities in their respective organizations.


TOWNSHIP OF THE ARCHIPELAGO: John Pepperell reported that the 10 year official review was underway, that there were no further developments regarding the changes in funding for OPP services to the Archipelago, and that the usage of the garbage sites was being further evaluated.




Bert Liverance thanked board members and volunteers for their help in making the past year a success, and urged attendees to volunteer to help in the future.


Attendees at the AGM showed great concern upon hearing of Ted Christie’s recent stroke, and his ongoing recovery. They wish to convey to him their heartfelt thanks and appreciation for all of his hard work on their behalf over more than eleven years as councilor of the Township of the Archipelago. Furthermore, they wish to offer their full support to Nancy through these difficult times and unanimously express their hopes for further improvements in Ted’s condition, leading to a full recovery.


MOTION: Bert Liverance moved, and Eric Armour seconded, approval of actions take by the SSCA Board of Directors during the past year. The motion carried with no one opposed.


MOTION: The motion to adjourn was approved.


After the meeting and luncheon, members were invited to attend the rededication of the Champlain Monument.


Click here for a copy of the 2015 Financial Report.